about me: hi, my name is benny! γεια, με λένε benny! you can also call me pathos, or whalefall. i'm an αγρίμι (physically disabled, autistic asshole) learning to practice φιλότιμο (filotomo, i think of it as community care). my pronouns are he/him/his and it/its. i grew up in occupied Tovaangar ("Los Angeles"), on Turtle Island, but my family's Greek; i'm Greek; and i'm planning on moving back. i'm also an artist & writer. i do stuff, and make things. making things fucks

about this website: it's under construction. it's unfinished & also bad. i am trying to learn coding, so i can add more to the site and so it can be a bit more unique -- the first draft may be recognizable as a lightly modified version of sadgrls' layout-maker layout. please spare me your critique right now, but suggestions are welcome. this website is being built slowly, painstakingly, badly. i invite you to play Sudoku while you wait for more

to do: - make all those tabs you can click on actually lead to where they say they do - delete the placeholder Sudoku & replace it with...something else

