

created 09/04/2024, last updated 09/04/2024

to-do 1: late summer 2024

- personally deliver native chia seeds to a local indigenous friend of mine: done
- deliver cool drinks (including water, esp. water) to my houseless neighbors on hot days if it's hot for me, it's hot for them. besides, there but for the grace of God (the whiteness of my parents) go my crippled self (and i'm planning to move out soon anyway, i have to, they're abusive), so. solidarity. it's necessary for all our survival: done
- mail my Lakota friend a big blanket
- transfer all my writing/posting from Spacehey & Mastodon to here
- practice my skill as a clothesmaker;
-- make a hoodie
-- make a chiton (it's ancestral wear that's supposed to be loose, light, breathable, for the hot weather i've been experiencing)
- practice my skill as a potter;
-- make a waterbottle (or, like, a jug/flask)
- start learning how to;
-- play baseball
-- code
- take my driver's test & get my license

hi, my name is benny!

Γεια, με λένε benny! i'm αγρίμι learning to practice φιλότιμο. my pronouns are he/him/his and it/its. i grew up in Yaanga, on Turtle Island, but my family's Greek; i'm Greek by lineage, and i'm planning on moving back to those islands eventually. right now i'm just a kind of nomad. i'm also an artist. i do stuff, and make things. this is my code.

i enjoy: going for long drives & road trips, cooking & eating, listening to cool people tell cool stories, sitting on the beach, gardening, building vivariums, swimming, painting, making art, pimping cars, listening to radio, playing sport, but none of this matters more than the important stuff: decolonization, community, climate resilience

autistic asshole & artist. i do stuff & make things.

My Guestbook - i want this to be the primary mode of contacting me, unless you know me personally

images: under construction.


song of the month: September: Πηγή by Mikro

monthly song archive coming soon.